GTM-5HKJSP" height="0"width="0"style="display:none;visibility:hidden"> Manchester Country Club New Golf Facilities Center
New Golf Facilities Center

  • The new golf facility building (now called the Golf House) houses the golf shop, bag storage, golf cart parking and in the future, a golf training center.
  • The golf shop footprint, doubled from its former size, allows for improved merchandise selection and space for dressing rooms.
  • The second floor of the facility will house the golf training area. Designed for year-round use, the membership will be able to use this area for regular practice sessions or private lessons with the golf professional staff. Equipment will include state-of-the-art golf simulator and training and stretching technology.

Please note: Some aspects of the project have been modified since the publication of the depicted room renderings due to the design-build nature of the project.